Dipping (Noir)

Dipping (Noir) by Isa Fantal | Original
Isa Fantal
60.00 X 30.00
Circa 2023
Medium: Led Pencil, Oil Bars, Acrylic Paint, & Colored Pencils. This piece is about the overwhelming feeling that comes with facing our lives, and deciding on our path and our journey. To me, it is comparable to being in the middle of the ocean under the heavenly bodies of lights. The waters reflecting back to the skies. There is an awe in the beauty of two skies both above and below. Simultaneously dipped at either half into two different realms rotating and revolving about the axes spinning in the rushing waters. Swimming to some distant memory of a land once seen or imagined. Now pursuing the faint outline of green ranges on the horizon by daylight, swimming by memory during the dark times. Hoping to God that one is swimming in the right direction to make it before the body tires and gives in. In awe of the beauty of the night the ethereal moon beaming dancing on the ocean waves, rocking gently like the songs of about as sirens, partially endorsing a slumber that is deeply needed. The uncertainty of the water under dark sky, motivates weary mind. Light in the horizon inspires commitment to the journey ahead.